Newton Marshall of St. Ann, Jamaica got into the dog sledding game when he took over the care of a number of shelter dogs adopted by his employer, Chukka Caribbean Adventures. Now he's taken his pack to Alaska and they're currently competing in the Yukon Quest International Dog Sled Championship. They're also gearing up for the Iditarod, training with serious glamour puss Hans Gatt. Oh yeah, and Jimmy Buffet is one of the team's biggest sponsors. Love, love, and more love.
Last winter, or this winter...this winter, I posted Little Eva's "Locomotion" here, taking note of its practical self-help applications. "Rocksteady" is likewise a descriptive dance song (motion-emphatic) that urges one to submit to change. This morning, unpacking and talking myself into and out of and into going to Target, I heard it, and, for the first time, read it: Rock steady—bob, shift, SET.