May 10, 2010

Love In This Club

Alpha works in a restaurant--a rather popular restaurant in the M-town. This is important to bring up if you're not a fellow staffer reading this (I forget whether we have an outside appeal).
...To say Mother's Day brunch was the Spirit Rape of the Century is an understatement. God love all those who decided to come out today IN THIS ECONOMY...
In any event, my afternoon was mostly filled with drinking on the company dime, then drinking some more while seeing Iron Man 2 (ScarJo sucks dicks in hell), and then drinking a little bit more (so close to being a mafia wife minus any real mafia connections!). Lotta drinking, you see...
Then, while rounding out my drunken routine (McDonalds #2 with a diet coke, thank you), this song came on. Mind you, Memphis has a new "Generation X" station, which is extremely hit or miss (sometimes you hear Color Me Badd, mostly you hear Barenaked Ladies), but I had yet to hear this track. In years. And it sort of, for a whole four minutes, brought me back to earth.
Cuz sometimes your mom's dying on Mother's Day, and you're overworked and waaay underpaid, and guys that broke your face (and guys that threatened to break your face) just keeping showing up, but still, y'know what? It's all okay. I actually pulled the car over by Pillow's house (it's on the way) to stop and sing along (I still know all the words, after 15 years). Please do enjoy...


Margaret said...

I'll be listening to this song all day. I'll also be wanting a #2 with a diet coke.

Able said...

this is wonderful