Jan 19, 2009

Coming Soon to DVD and Blu-Ray.

I could wax poetic about the insanity of Richard Kelly's apocalyptic (in both content and production history) follow-up to Donnie Darko, Southland Tales, for days. I mean, the cast alone: Dwayne "My Character Just Happens To Be Gay" Johnson, Sarah "WTF Are Antique Books?" Michelle Prinze, Mandy "Missing You Like Candy" Moore, Bai "Fucking" Ling, to name a few... but in the spirit of A&P, I'd like instead to offer a sneak peak of Justin "But It Came From Memphis!" Timberlake's performance. In this wayward love story, he plays Pilot Abilene, an Iraq War veteran, disfigured and mostly narrating the film. He has a delightful musical number, however, drenched in blood, surrounded by a rather mellow acid trip, wandering around a Chuck E. Cheese, and lip-synching to The Killers "All These Things I've Done". It helps me go to bed at night.


Able said...

they should rerelease this business right now. i suddenly feel more receptive.

Alpha said...

SMG's character also performs a terrible/wonderful pop song called "Teen Horniness Is Not A Crime".