Oct 24, 2009

black forest ham

(click to enlarge)
The Hunt in the Forest
Paolo Uccello
c. 1465


"Miles Above"
Anne Waldman

To be silent was a thought concerning you
who are spending long periods of time
hermetically sealed
You know, I just arrived the spine a burning
question: is sex securely fastened?

The stewardess has poisoned me out of jealousy
She knows your naked trunk is curvaceous
"But relax, have another"

I've resolved recalcitrantly on suing
your impresario
He's strewn with too many engagements
& bookkeepers now, his memory's running away

I'm running away to die in Reno
Think of me whose shaking hand wrote
these lines light years above your heart

good mornting

Oct 23, 2009

Oct 20, 2009

Cosa Importante Para Tuesday

I was wasting away, googling 'cholas' yesterday, when I found this page. La chica is clearly GLAMOROUS (I love a uniform). And guns! It's incredible what kinds of criminal information people post up on the Internet. Image aside, perhaps the choicest discovery is the handy Spanglish of the first two comments...A&P could learn a thing or two—toda HOOD.

Oh Boy Oberto

I'm not a fan de etsy.com. It propagates an estilo that is twee and bad bad (to me). And a friend once showed me all of these wretched prints she'd bought on the site for to cover her new walls and honestly it sort of bothered me that she hadn't chosen some photographs of mine instead (she really could have had them for free and I know she would have liked them better because she did seem rather doubtful of the weird stuff that she'd gathered online). And maybe she could have made her own wall-hangings. She's creative and resourceful and took some painting classes in college. I'm being a snob. Hand-made things are beautiful, marketing such wares not easy, the Internet a fine solution. And I might find a decent knit hat here and there (if I could manage to wade through all of the damn ye-olde-gifte-shoppe hair accessories). Honestly, the worst of it is that shopping online is such a drag.

Anyway, the notion of a site, regretsy.com, dedicated to lampooning the most earnestlyawful stuff one finds on etsy is clever and apropos. But they get it wrong too! Methinks these folk like the tweecraft, because they spend a lot of lazy energy deriding Twilight memorabilia and sculptures made by the mentally ill and/or spiritually attuned latterlifelesbians--essentially, the only good stuff one is bound to find on etsy. Comme ça:
Ladder of Dreams Catcher
...misguided, verdad?

note: Pillow and Pet, should we buy any of these for el castillo? The Gosselin? The glove?