May 27, 2009

Mayor Warbucks, Are You Going to Adopt Us?

Yesterday was all kinds of heavy symbolism for Auntie P and I'm losing my mind today just a tad, coming off yesterday's 10 hour workday and today which is going to find me on my feet long into the night thanks to the dreaded FiFi awards. I spent the last two nights tossing and turning and fretting about a future-determining meeting that I have no control over and at around 4 AM this morning I gave up on sleep and crept downstairs to borrow my neighbors hard copy of the Times and opened it up to this long anticipated and poorly written and miserably defeating Op-Ed.

I'm not quite sure how the onus of opposing our impossible-to-beat billionaire Mayor Munchkin fell on the shoulders of a SUNY educated member of the House who represents a solidly middle class district that stretches across Brooklyn and Queens but it's all over for Weiner now (who, by the by, evokes his plucky borough-kid roots much less eloquently than another prominent New Yorker did yesterday--but more on her later.) The point is, it's not just over for Weiner, it's over for all of us and most of all it's over for Bloomberg who is going to sail into his third term on a ship made out of silicon and trans-fat free pastries while flanked by iron clad battleships and submarines filled with gold bars. Giuliani, who is to blame for Bloomberg's entire existence in this city from back in his America's Mayor® days, has been suspiciously quiet as to his proteges ability to achieve a level of totalitarian power in this city that he only dreamed of and dreamed of often.

But this week also brought joy in Mudville, as yesterday we saw the President choose to nominate Sandra Sotomayor, decidedly one of the most deserving and experienced judges to be named to the highest court in the land in decades. Sotomayor is a symphony, she's lived a life out of a Dickens novel; as the New York Times put it yesterday in a fleeting moment of eloquence, "she is walking through a door she pushed open for herself."

Conservatives are letting a lot of shit fly in anticipation of her confirmation hearings, cause that's their job. Barring the inevitable inquiries into her taxes, her divorce, her childlessness, my personal favorite barb thus far is the uproar about a statement she once made that (I'm paraphrasing here) Latina women, with their richness of experience would more often make better decisions than white men, which is, like, duh. I mean starting with the leggings department obviously but has anyone who thinks that ever MET a Puerto Rican lady? My Puerto Rican roommate (who has never once been mistaken for Puerto Rican) shed a single tear yesterday at the news mostly, he confessed, because the idea of someone who thinks like his mother making important decisions overwhelmed him with confidence for the future of America.

So anyway, here's what I was thinking. I know Bloomy's been beating on a white chick these days (who consequently is the head of the NY State Banking authority, the conflicts of interest never end) but I think it's time he stopped dating women he could easily abuse and looked up, say, Rosie Perez. A little bit of empathy, and maybe the next four years won't be so bad.


Able said...

aww, chreees and moms.

Able said...

also, beautiful title!