Aug 30, 2010

como "Hard Knock Life"
tween(girl)-beloved sample/quotation


these are parallel!

I think about Paris Hilton's recent arrest in Nevada for cocaine possession with that "nightlife impresario" twin named Cy. Because I think Paris Hilton dated the producer of this track, J.R. Rotem. But maybe she didn't. Because (duh!) he was a Brit Spears assoc. of the Adnan Era, like he helped Jamie Spears build that case against Adnan...or not? What?...Remember when Paris and Britney dressed each other up in slashed fishnets and Bebe minidresses and alerted the paparazzi? And also—this is pretty obscure—I remember reading a bit in a tabloid about Paris Hilton printing photographs of Brit's kids at a FedExKinko's (for a scrapbook?).

***not Uptown
ghetto romance-----Angela Chase (Anne Frank)

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