Dec 19, 2008

Come and Get Your Love--Hombres de los 70s

Contrary to Gus Van Sant's vision of men in the 1970s (note: multiple perm offenses perpetrated against Hollywood's beautiful-est young actors in new film Milk), we think they were really onto something in the appeal department back then—as evidenced by Robert Redford in Jeremiah Johnson (1972), or in a better-coiffed period piece, Almost Famous (2000), which features Jason Lee (recently estranged from his wife!!) and known dastard Billy Crudup playing scrappy rock stars. All of these are of the frontiersman/Allman Bros. variety. But there are many types of covetable, groovy menfolk from that fitful era . . . this will be a recurring segment!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

jason lee is estranged from his wife?? didn't they just have a kid? oh, i don't care, i'm movin' in!