Jan 15, 2009


Oh god! Oh God! I promised that I would stop ragging on Gwyneth and her lifestyle e-newsletter, GOOP. I even kept my mouth shut when she hurled insults at me last week. But today she sent round a report on NYC restaurants and hotels that ranged from obvious (yes, we all like Balthazar and Pearl's) to obvious (and gross too!--Cookshop is foul-town. I had the barfiest Rabbit trio there a few months back.). I know that she's from Manhattan and that most travellers consider Manhattan to be the whole of the city. But there are four other boroughs, and I, for one, could never profile the food in this town without mentioning them all (farm freshness in Brooklyn; the whole of Asia in Queens; delis in the Bronx; pizza on Staten Island). I'm a little confused. Sometimes she seems to broadly market her advice, and sometimes she seems only to be addressing those of us who need a place to crash for $700 a night while we renovate our West Village carriage houses. This is the deafest, most blithely moneyed of all of her missives. In this climate--totes inapropes!

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