Feb 25, 2009

"Badly Done, Emma."

Another bit of newsies read over the shoulder of my neighbor in public transportation (and an example of the Paper of Record doing what it does better): evidently Bloomberg (Dowager Empress of Manahatta) has purchased most of the townhouse next door in order to build a little real estate monster, a proper mansion on E. 79th street. For a civilian billionaire, this would be the best moment to swoop in and buy up a much desired property from a cash-strapped seller. But for the billionaire who chooses to dabble in politics, this seems the worst worst kind of timing, just poor taste. Then again, the story reeks of journalistic digging and stirring, not so much "new" in "news." We've always known that M. B. lived in marble frieze. It's just that these days, it doesn't look so good. Our mini-guilded age is done, but a finance oligarch still rules City Hall. Can Koch run again?

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