Mar 23, 2009

Nobody Understands!

The putzes at The Sun are talking about how the putzes at Island Records are displeased with Amy Winehouse's progress on her third album. Husband in the chokey, junk and crack habit spiraling out of control in chilly Camden, Amy took a page from the A&P handbook and jetted to St. Lucia for a few months to record some I-LAMB musics (as if traipsing about in ballet slippers weren't sign enough that she's a big fan of ours). El man dislikes the "sharp turn" toward "reggae" from "vintage soul," and the dark content of the tunes, mostly about her dopesick codependent marriage. Are they nuts?! I can't look at the same bouffant and the same costume and listen to the same songs again. Back to Black sold 11 million copies. It was god damn ev-er-y-where and we loved it but that was then and this is now and all I want is an Amy Winehouse World Music record about suicide pacts and free-basing! Plus, Petrova got a miraculous listen a few months ago and said the stuff she recorded en Caribe is brilliant and just-right-for-now. Island records is a mess in need of CONSULTANCY. Why do incompetent peoples run things? Why don't I make millions of dollars?

1 comment:

Alpha said...

Music execs have never really been known for understanding music...