Mar 5, 2009

Would You Excuse Me? I'm Feeling Emotional...

I don't know why it took Alpha so long to post this, but I saw Shirley Manson on that awful Chelsea Handler show the other night, and the next day spent a long time deciding between her's (Chelsea's) and Carrie Fisher's books at *that* local bookstore, and decided (klar klar superstar) on Carrie's...The one thing keeping me undecided was that Shirley Manson has never appeared on Carrie's Lifetime television project, Interviews From The Edge...

In any event, the Chelsea Really? interview reminded me of exactly how much I love the Shirley. I have loved her since the first day I met her (see below for details). Pillow and I saw her live (with Corsica) a few years back, and the bitch is still on fire. Nearly 6 feet tall, she kicked some random line-stepping fan in the head, a story we do still regale the younguns with...And I figure, since we're all about the 90's redux here, I'd just give you another great throwback...

I remember my first day with Shirley quite vividly. I discovered Garbage The Rock Band (as Chrissie Hynde so lovingly refers to them), infantalized and fresh from my morning routine (at age 10. Please do check yourself into a clinic if you think that's hot). Seemingly out of nowhere, this video came on, and I decided at that exact moment, this woman was going to be the end-all-be-all for me.

First off (even at 10), blue eyeshadow on a green-eyed redhead? Crazy! (although Able, on her first meeting with Alpha, would dare the same thing... on HIM...). Then, upon further review, fishnets and goth and actual clinical depression and everything Gwen Stefani at that time was not (despite their apparent lifelong friendship).

Y'know, it's all quite possibly why I'm gay; it's probably why my love for alt-rock prevents me from keeping a man (or an actual gay one, at least, who doesn't love Sonic Youth more). And her current run (acting!!!) on the FOX television thing, Sarah Conner Chronicles, is most certainly why I act even more like a robot these days. ..

Regardless, this is the video that made me the Alpha we all know and love. Enjoy. Listen to it many times if you don't have the CD nearby. Because, deep down, you know you want to...


Margaret said...

This song/video is why there will always be an angry little goth girl alive and well under all of my blondeness

Able said...

oh gosh. i forgot about the blue eyeshadow. sorry.