Nov 16, 2008

NeNe was only the beginning...

The A&P staff should really discuss creating an entirely new website devoted to NeNe of Real Housewives of Atlanta fame, but for now, her go-to gay, Dwight Eubanks, has his own reality show coming soon!!!! Take everything you love about J. Alexander from ANTM, add Belize from Angels in America, subtract what you didn't like from my ex-husband's first wife (yeah, that's just for me, but it holds), and hand it a pair of razor sharp scissors. I love and respect Able's love and respect for the NYC, but we best remember how downright astonishing it gets down South. Bless.

1 comment:

Able said...

Girrrrrrrl---you know I know that the South astonishes.

What does a bitch have to do to get kicked out the salon by her stylist?!