Nov 5, 2008

Never Have I Ever...

...felt prouder to be an American. Seriously. At this moment in 2004, I was at the grocery store in my underwear, buying more wine, ticking off in my head the horrifying election results that were waiting for me when I got home. Tonight, I cried hysterically and happily, toasting my friends (some defunct from too much celebratory bubbly) to this glorious victory. This election has made me more aware than ever of my "American-ness." My mother's family is original stock: Jamestown settlers, Native Americans, tillers of the soil, senators, soldiers in every war fought on home turf...My father is barely second generation American, with most of his father's side of the family welcomed to home turf just in time to avoid the Holocaust. If I truly take a personal inventory, I cannot define myself without defining myself as an American, and tonight I am disgustingly proud to be one. One love, Pax Americana, goodnight. 

1 comment:

Able said...

way to be totally eloquent while drinking!---i'm so glad that i did not write anything last night. would have been super-ugs.