Nov 6, 2008

Song for Us?

One of Queen B's latest stylings, "If I Were a Boy", leaves me both shaking my head in agreement and confusion. Lines such as "I'd kick it with who I wanted, and I'd never get confronted for it" resonate deeply with a girl who has had to deal with icy disapproval from friends of certain romantic endeavors. In turn, I watch my straight male friends (some of the most vocal of the aforementioned disapprovers) associate with the murkiest bottom of the skank pond, always without the castigation that I've received. She also deals with the universal issue of women's inability to place a premium on their OWN happiness instead of everyone else's (a male trait I've always been envious of). But c'mon B, a large part of my life is throwing on clothes without thinking about them, and drinking beer with the guys is pretty much my social life. And it would be more than presumptuous to think I could get this whole love thing right from the other side. Either way, a song that makes you think:

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