Jan 26, 2009

Founding Fathers: Northern State

Our prodigal sister, Corsica (too badass to keep up with A or P pseudonyms), first introduced me to Northern State in 2003 with the single, "The Man's Dollar". I was instantly won over by their ability to be silly, profound and (dare I say it) thuggish within a line (to quote Corsica, they had me at "I'ma' break that shit up like Brenda and Dylan").

Brief history. Northern State are three nice girls from Long Island, life-long friends who briefly separated after high school to become three very different women: DJ Sprout, a lesbian hippie at Oberlin; Hesta Prynne, a protege of Senator Hillary Clinton; and Spero (formerly Guinea Love), whose college career is rather muddled, so I like to think that she drank too much and dropped out (Alpha, whut!). The three of them eventually realized they pretty much only liked hanging out with each other (like you might do), and formed a rap trio.

With two major label records under their belts, and a brand new album, Can I Keep This Pen?, just released by the independent Ipecac Records, the ladies of Northern State have proven that it is A-OK to be trivial, political, self-loathing, and self-loving all at the same time--as long as you always remember where you came from and OWN it. As Spero says, "I don't do this for you. I do this shit 'cuz it's the shit I do."

Northern State, "Girl For All Seasons" from ALL CITY:

Northern State, "Better Already" from Can I Keep This Pen?:

1 comment:

Able said...

'can i keep this pen?' is just about the best album title around.