Jan 29, 2009

"We Tote the Note"

I seem to remember Architectural Digest as a bound paper mecca for grown-up aspirationalism of the highest degree. In its pages, I first discovered teak and infinity pools (kind of big deals circa 1993). I hadn't picked up a copy in some time, and then yesterday I did and ... I witnessed the utter rape of this Park Avenue apartment. Can you stand it? The carpeting of parquet floors! The useless refurbishment of a lovely old fireplace (with mirrors—oh how I love mirrors)! The dismantling of those fantastic fabric wallpapers, the burgundy oriental (it's okay to say that about textiles) and the baby pink damask (suede even?!)! The face-job on that decorator! A (shield my ojos) plasma-screen on the wall! All of that stupid, cartoon-luxe furniture! Yucktown. Shame.

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