May 19, 2009

Video Killed the Radio Star

Today I gave in and joined Twitter for about twenty seconds. I did this because I'd heard that Fran Drescher was a frequent Twitterer and the idea of getting little missives sent to my iPhone from The Nanny smelled like fine living.

So I signed up, I picked a name, I accidentally sent an email to everyone in my inbox to follow me on Twitter, and I eagerly went over to Fran's page to see what she had to say.

Verdict: Twitter will kill your idols. While there were some lovely updates (she had dinner with Mr. Sheffield last week, she bought motorcycle boots on QVC) there was also a garbage pile of Deepak Chopra quotes and Chinese proverbs and entirely too much oversharing about her "undefined romance" with a mystery man she only refers to as "the BF."

So in short, Twitter made me cry today. And I bet it makes a lot of people cry every day who misinterpret things other people say because life is an epic and not a series of 15 word or whatever the fuck they castrate you at on that site farts.

1 comment:

Able said...

we weren't made for this world.