Sep 22, 2009

Welcome to La Nueva, "Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution."

Fuck Fay-shun's Diplomacy Week!
I suggest you read all of this.
And then look at all of these.
And then, can we talk about it?

p.s. This shit is an ABOMINATION. far as I can tell, this incessant pairing of his name with Ahmadinejad's by the media, is rather crude. Opposition to Israel is not necessarily anti-Semitic (obviously the Iranian leader's Holocaust denial is). Am I wrong?------He's so glamorous.


Petrova said...

I don't actually know for sure because international affairs are beyond me, but I thought he slaughtered his own people, like by the thousands? God, one day I someone is going to dredge up this comment to haunt me but I thought his outfit was hot today too. And I like his tent up at Donald Trump's estate. Hot shit.

Able said...

that's all i'm saying. he's mad stylish. and from what i can tell, he has never committed genocide. he went through a heavy terror-funding phase...but he's all about his own people. and even when he funded terror, he was pretty broad--arab factions and the IRA and south americans. oh, and he sent an assassin named 'carlos the jackal' after some dissidents in 1980. but he's spent the past two decades paying out heavy reparations and generally working to ease tensions with the west. i think people get too worked up over plane crashes. the u.s. bombing of tripoli in 1986 killed his 1 year old daughter, so. i think the reaction to him, and the constant pairing of his name with ahmajinedad's in the media is straight up western hatred of arabs, a terrible generalization. we're so self-righteously wounded about terrorism, as if we haven't committed atrocities by the ton (and hired assasins).