Dec 2, 2008

Let's Get Over Ourselves Already, OK Jezebel?

The ladies over at Jezebel are having a shitfit about Maureen Dowd's profile of Tina Fey in the latest issue of Vanity Fair. Intern Margaret laments:

"So much of the lengthy profile is devoted to marveling at the weight loss and makeover that transformed the 'very mousy' Fey into everyone's favorite 'brainy glamour-puss' that we almost wish Fey would revert to her 'quite round' physique and dig out the thrift-store sweaters that she used to sport."

Staffers and commenters continue to whine about how Fey couldn't make it on her humor and intelligence alone, and, in order to be in front of the camera, "had" to drop a few, grow out her early-nineties smart-girl hair, and get some better clothes. I'm going to be controversial here for a second: I'm getting a sense of, "No! Pretty girls can't be smart and funny TOO! That's reserved for us festively plump plain janes! Waahhhhhh!!" coming from the Jezzie section.

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