Feb 6, 2009

Folk Art for This Weekend

In a Google Image search for "the Internet," I came across this student work entitled, Jamal's Internet Collage. It reminded me of the time that Mr. Fry (our 7th grade Computer Class teacher) asked Pillow and I to use the (fresh, young) Internet to plan a budget (he was such a tool) tropical vacation. I guess it was an exercise in Yahoo navigation? Anyhow, we used the whole of our allotted funds to pay for two nights at the Four Seasons Hualalai, where we claimed we could find men to buy us drinks and extreme drunkenness and bikini-cladness would render food unnecessary. Mr. Fry was incensed. We were quite pleased with ourselves.


Margaret said...

I made him cry! Yay me! That's the most beautiful collage I've ever seen!

Able said...

he may not have known it at the time, but jamal made it for us.