Feb 5, 2009

Chinese Democracy

In the wake of her most recent photos-on-the-internet debacle, Miley Cyrus has taken to her blog to defend herself. This one's a real doozy:

I definitely feel like the press is trying to make me out as the new 'BAD GIRL'! I feel like now that Britney is back on top of her game again, they need someone to pick on! Lucky me!

Miley, dear, you will never in any capacity have any remote connection to Britney Spears. You're being picked on because you're an idiot. But you're 16, so it's to be expected. Just ride it out, you may not be an idiot for much longer. Maybe.


Able said...

why is no one mentioning the fact that she's wasted in those pictures?!!

Alpha said...

homegirl is gonna go down, and she's gonna go down hard... all these little girls and their dumb opinions are working me into a frenzy!