Feb 18, 2009

My Left Foot

I've avoided politics since the election, which is uncool. I don't condone being so fickle at such a crucial moment; I just can't help myself--actual economics bore me to tears. I stipulate "actuality," because on September 15th, when Lehmann fell, I read the Wall Street Journal breathlessly, hanging onto each red, downturning graph, not because of "actual" economic information, but because of cultural information, the feeling of moment (maybe history!). But I liked how informed I was before November, how much I was participating in government via pure curiosity (fundamentally democratic, no?). In an attempt to restore my interest in weighty news items (aside from whether Rihanna plans to prosecute Chris Brown), I am making a habit of checking Paul Krugman's new Times blog, The Conscience of a Liberal. And my but he never disappoints! I've tended to get all glazed and sleepy when folks have brought up the stimulus package, but Krugman keeps me wakeful with his ranging, broad knowledge of social history and unflappable passion and vigor. Si se puede!

1 comment:

zbs said...

My old pal Sarang Gopalakrishnan does a catch-as-catch can blog that is as often as not about contemporary economics. It is (in my view) enjoyably patrician-sassy.
