Mar 10, 2009

Love In This Club: Adrian Veidt and Edward Morgan Blake

Whether Watchmen is actually unfilmable (Zac "so-not-gay" Snyder being the proof of that) is irrelevant. Billy Crudup's crazy glowing blue wang, Patrick Wilson's enjoyable (but understated) wang (god, there was so much wang) are also a bit irrelevant—to Alpha at least.

Let's get back to the book. To why Alan Moore (as scared of him as I am) is really a fucking genius. Let's get back to the actual characters. And let's get back to what A&P does best. Let's get back to the love in this club:

Contestant #1. Adrian Veidt (aka Ozymandias). The smartest (and often implied to be the prettiest) man on earth, forever cursed with that burden. Say what you will about his actions, but the man's motives are understandable and direct; he believes the world is worth fighting for, and does so with ruthless efficiency. While obviously purported to be the "villain" of Watchmen, once you really listen to the sick mind behind it all, you can't help but believe in him. Just steer clear of Manhattan and enjoy the calamari...

Contestant #2: Edward Morgan Blake (aka The Comedian). Another one of the (quite possibly the) greatest morally ambiguous characters in fiction ever. They call him the Comedian because he gets the ultimate fucking joke: life. It's silly. It's self-defeating. It's not worth saving. It's simply worth maintaining. And gaining bloody satisfaction in doing so. Is it any wonder contestant #1 (SPOILER ALERT) had to kill him? Not at all, and the fact that Blake took it with the dignity and professionalism one would expect?... make love to me...

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