Jan 15, 2010

I've had trouble writing since New Year. I'm not a journalist. And cold weather is very difficult (to navigate, recover from...). I've been in a dumb cycle of write-publish-unpublish, write-publish-unpublish--anxious and also sluggish, paralyzed. I won't bother to project (too much) here; I'm talking about myself.

I'm prone to elegiac leaps, chronic nostalgia, conflating personal experience and cultural history--sometimes fine for the screen/page, but pretty antithetical to healthy living. I sort of promised myself (and yous) that January 1, 2010 meant FUTURE. But I'm not really sure what I meant by it. It's absurd to do away with memory or history, with measuring out and retelling it, as it's absurd to make too many predictions (unless you are Pillow and psychic). I think I meant: [to self:] be present and let the past and future stand to inform one's presentness without causing some terrible lift-off/missing of the ground. I am going to approach my posts here more directly, state the purpose in the title and then expound, taking all tenses into account, but principally describing the current state of prescribed 'thing,' as I understand it. Like:
Miley Cyrus and Brett Michaels
Cocktail Rings
Frank Stella
Union Square
Sparkling Water
Michael Kors
Plastic Bags

...we'll see. Maybe it will read too Barthes-y...but of course it won't because I'm not that (dry and French and) lofty, not by any fraction.


Philippa said...

Oh, no, Barthes isn't dull at *all*! (Not to dwell simply on your final point, for the rest of it I follow without complaint.)

Able said...
