May 7, 2009

Aural Diptych for Thursday


Able said...


Alpha said...

Have I ever pointed out that my cousin who wore the giant fur coat to Nana Alpha's funeral looks just like Paula? I feel like I should have mentioned that...

Alpha said...

(The House of Alpha consists of a lot of people that look like deposed celebrities. It's sort of our thing.)

Alpha said...

Also I had this keyboard when I was a kid, and it had a weird demo button where it would play the music for "Straight Up" and both my parents pointed it out to me they were so familiar with the song...

I also actually met Paula when I was 13 and she showed up to our middle school dance (she was doing a cheerleading/dance thing in town, and the son of the people who owned the studio was at the dance). I never realized how much I could go on and on about her...

Petrova said...

WOW! You met Paula. That's amazing. She's incredible. A credit to the Jewish people. You know her jewelry line for QVC isn't half-bad.

What were you guys doing up so late?