May 4, 2009

Able Consulting

In the Summer of 2002, I played receptionist for a few weeks, rocking some combination of evening wear and sleepwear with my toweringest 17-year-old heels, cups and cups of coffee and an artfully folded Business section. I kept up with the stocks that interested me: FedEx, 3M, LVMH, Fiat. You see, I had a crush on Lapo Elkan way before Vanity Fair or M. K. Olsen did. I was relatively convinced that we would be married once I was old enough to study History of Dress at the Courtauld and haunt Tramps and Raffles and Aspinal's (lordy). Well, as it turns out, I was right (at least on the economic front); Fiat was worth present, it appears they're swooping in to profit from the untimely death of American autos, and HOW.

Will some tycoon or other please recognize and reward my corporate consulting potential?!

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