Oct 29, 2008

Founding Fathers: Rainbow Brite, Roy G. Biv Enthusiast

She rescued the Color Kids, defeated the Dark One, and brought color to the Colorless World - All while quietly doing wonders for the gay rights movement alongside her bff, Twink, and sassy steed, Starlite.


Petrova said...

AH DID you have the one where instead of a cartoon it was giant muppet rainbow brites and sprites and they went to the san diego zoo? It didn't make any sense there were no chimpanzees in rainbow brite's world. Just that dyke Patty O' Green and that syphillis infected Red Romeo. They come close to chimps in terms of unattractiveness and disease carrying, respectively.

Margaret said...

NO!!! I have to find this now.

Petrova said...

i found a youtube, imma post it.

Alpha said...

bff Twink and sassy steed Starlite??? Hmmm... original trifecta?....